Welcome to the nomination form of the Australian Muslim Achievement Awards 2025

The Australian Muslim Achievement Awards (AMAA), hosted annually by Mission of Hope, aim to acknowledge and celebrate our respected community’s individuals and professional leaders from across the corporate, public, and not-for-profit sectors.

The AMAA has established itself as a much-anticipated and well-respected annual awards event. We are now in our 17th year and we are excited to be hosting this year’s event at the Sydney Opera House in May, 2o25.

Example of Nomination:

When submitting a nomination, the submissions should be detailed as per this example nomination.

1. The nominee espouses a character of high integrity and identifies as Muslim:

🌟 Kareema Abdul-Razaq is no stranger to the Melbourne Muslim community. She is well-loved and admired by her peers, community, and is known for her commitment to serving her local Somali community having built trust fostering an open and supportive community environment.

🌟 Kareema practices and encourages open and communication and displays an ethical approach to her community service. She is conscious of her public standing and representative role of the Somali community whilst also showing leadership for the wider Muslim community.

2. Explain how the nominee fulfils the criteria for the selected award category.

🌟 Kareema Abdul-Razaq, as a community services worker, has made a measurable impact for over 10 years as a dedicated and committed advocate for individuals struggling and afflicted with cancer, especially in Melbourne’s Muslim communities. Her contribution to the community with respect to her services in food distribution to disadvantaged families has been ongoing for over three years and more recently she has been coordinating and leading food distribution packs to the families inside the towers under Stage 4 restrictions. She has campaigned and raised over $150,000 in donations in the last year to assist the families to access emergency assistance items whilst under lockdown restrictions. Notwithstanding, her leading by example has encouraged thousands and thousands of other financial contributions to similar causes. She also set up a group online chat functionality so that families inside the towers could communicate more quickly and easily.

🌟 Kareema is articulate and so her media contributions in highlighting the struggles of her community in this difficult socio-political landscape have been exemplary.

🌟 Kareema was awarded the Minister’s Award for Excellence in Community Service and she was featured in the popular magazine as a feature for her work and contributions to vulnerable communities in Melbourne.

🌟 Kareema has been a keynote speaker at various mainstream and Muslim community events and her contributions become all the more impressive when you consider her family commitments and her own personal challenges that she has experienced over the last few years. Kareema has been open about her personal struggles keeping a very open and active social media page to raise awareness of her struggles whilst encouraging others to serve the community, and she does this inspirationally with passionate dedication.

3. Nominees are encouraged to include supporting material such as online articles, links, and YouTube clips to show evidence for their nominations.

🌟 Kareema’s achievements and the wider effects she has on those around her deserve honour or recognition and that will convince a selection panel to consider your nominee. For more examples of strong evidences, visit these websites:

1. www.1

2. www.2

3. www.3

Nominations Are Open!

Nominator Name
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Choose a category

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Business of the Year:

This award recognises businesses that have achieved outstanding business outcomes, financial turnovers, organisational leadership and management, and a commitment to outstanding service especially those businesses that directly benefit the Muslim community and / or mainstream wider Australian society. Achievements can include (but are not limited to) commercial, societal, scientific or environmental contributions.

The selection criteria for this award are listed below.

- Australian Muslims make up the majority in its management and / or board.

- The business demonstrated excellence in their business capacity and good business practices.

- The business has a significant financial turnover and support is shown to benefit the Muslim community in projects, donations, sponsorships, etc.

- The business has an innovative business model.

- The business excels in its customer service and support of its local community.

- The business has healthy staff relations and a commitment to staff development.

- The business has a commitment to ethical values, and halal standards (where appropriate).
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Abyssinian Award:

This award acknowledges a non-Muslim individual or organisation that has demonstrated a strong commitment to fostering mutual and beneficial understanding between Muslims and the wider Australian communities. In this category, the winner is announced before the event ceremony. The nomination must be made by an Australian Muslim for this category to qualify.

The selection criteria for this award are listed below.

- The nominee demonstrated excellence in their field, whether it be in their career or volunteer work.

- The nominee works or volunteered with the Muslim community.

- The nominee demonstrated a commitment to the betterment of relations between Muslims and the wider Australian community.

- The nominee is an inspirational role model through their leadership and commitment to the advancement of Muslim relations and understandings with the wider Australian society.
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Lifetime Achiever of the Year (30+ years):

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Professional of the Year:

This award recognises Australian Muslim professionals who have made a significant contribution in their respective professional field. This person should be motivated, confident and possess enthusiasm for their work. The nominee should be an inspiration to their peers and should be known for their integrity within their field.

The selection criteria for this award are listed below.

- The nominee demonstrated excellence specifically in their professional field.

- The nominee has a character of high integrity.

- The nominee is an inspirational role model for members of the Muslim community.
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Man of the Year:

This award acknowledges Australian Muslim men from all spheres of society who have made significant contributions that have served the interests of benefiting their community.

The selection criteria for this award are listed below.

- The nominee demonstrated excellence specifically in their field, whether it be in their career, community or volunteer work.

- The nominee made significant contributions to their own communities that have also benefits the wider Australian society.

- The nominee is an inspirational role model for the Muslim community through his leadership and commitment to the advancement of Muslim relations within their own and wider Australian society.
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Women of the Year:

This award acknowledges Australian Muslim women from all spheres of society who have made significant contributions that have served the interests of benefiting their community.

The selection criteria for this award are listed below.

- The nominee demonstrated excellence specifically in their field, whether it be in their career, community or volunteer work.

- The nominee made significant contributions to their own communities that have also benefits the wider Australian society.

- The nominee is an inspirational role model for the Muslim community through his leadership and commitment to the advancement of Muslim relations within their own and wider Australian society.
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Role Model of the Year:

This award recognises an Australian Muslim who actively works towards building an inclusive and respectful community through their own life achievements, career, community and/or volunteer work. The award is seeking nominations for people who are passionate, focused and who have distinguished themselves by beneficial services of excellence.

The selection criteria for this award are listed below.

- The nominee made significant contributions to their own community and wider Australian society.

- The nominee is an inspirational role model for the Muslim community, through their leadership and commitment to the advancement of Muslim relations within their own and wider Australian society.

- The nominee actively supported others in their advancement.

- The nominee engages in leadership and mentoring of others.
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Youth of the Year:

This award acknowledges Australian Muslim young person (aged 14-26) from all spheres of society who have made significant contributions that have served the interests of benefiting their community.

The selection criteria for this award are listed below.

- The nominee demonstrated excellence specifically in their field, whether it be in their career, community or volunteer work.

- The nominee made significant contributions to their own communities that have also benefits the wider Australian society.

- The nominee is an inspirational role model for the Muslim community through his leadership and commitment to the advancement of Muslim relations within their own and wider Australian society.
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Creative Artist of the Year:

This award recognises an Australian Muslim artist or creative talent who has demonstrated exceptional work in their creative field, such as performance, literary arts, music, film, television, fashion, and / or design. The nominee's creative achievements should positively affect many through powerful communication methods and their engaging work.

The selection criteria for this award are listed below.

- The nominee demonstrated creative excellence through their original work.

- The nominee made significant contributions to both their own community and wider Australian society.
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Sportsperson of the Year:

This award recognises an Australian Muslim sportsperson who has demonstrated excellence in their field of sport.

The selection criteria for this award are listed below.

- The nominee demonstrated excellence in their sport.

- The nominee made significant contributions to their own and wider Australian society.
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Media Person/Organisation of the Year:

This award recognises an Australian Muslim individual or Australian Muslim Medial Outlet that has achieved outstanding results in the field of media communication while demonstrated commitment to excellence. The award is open to journalists, opinion piece writers, media outlets (print, online, social media, radio or television) who are professional and adhere to the Ethical Codes of Media conduct in Australia.

The selection criteria for this award are listed below.

- The nominee demonstrated excellence in the field of media and / or communication.

- If an outlet, the nominee has Muslims in its management and / or executive boards.
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Volunteer of the Year:

This award recognises an Australian Muslim individual who has volunteered a lengthy period of their time towards building an inclusive and respectful community. The award is seeking nominations for volunteers who are dedicated to the service of others, community development and service to others.

The selection criteria for this award are listed below.

- The nominee demonstrated excellence in their volunteer work.

- The nominee made significant contributions to the Muslim community and / or wider Australian society.

- The nominee is an inspirational role model for the Muslim community through their volunteering and service to others.
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People's Choice of the Year:

This award acknowledges an Australian Muslim individual from any public sphere of society who has been recognised by the Muslim community as a popular and representative Muslim. This is a popularity award and so we are seeking nominations for an exceptional, public role model who has made significant contributions in the past year. In this category, the Muslim public gets to vote for the finalists and winner.

The selection criteria for this award are listed below.

- The nominee demonstrated excellence in their field, whether it be in their career, community, media, or volunteer work.

- The nominee made significant contributions to the Muslim community and wider Australian society.

- The nominee is an inspirational public role model for the Muslim community through their leadership and commitment to the advancement of the Muslim community and the wider Australian society.
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Event of the Year:

This award acknowledges an exceptional Australian Muslim event held in the past year for the Muslim community. The award is seeking nominations for an event that was run professionally and catered for the Muslim community, supported Muslim communities, and was aimed to highlight Muslims in any capacity for their event aims. During 2020 this includes online events via video streams.

The selection criteria for this award are listed below.

- The event demonstrated excellence in its organisation and management of the event.

- The event was attended by a significantly large Muslim audience whether physical attendance or online views.

- The event made significant contributions to the Australian Muslim community and the wider society.

- The event must have had Muslims in its management and / or boards and events planning / implementation.
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Best New Community Project of the Year:

This award acknowledges a new Australian Muslim project or initiative. The award is seeking nominations for a project that was run professionally and catered specifically for targeting the Muslim community. The community project or initiative must be hosted by a registered Not-For-Profit and / or registered charitable organisation to qualify for this award. Business entries do not qualify.

The selection criteria for this award are listed below.

- The project demonstrated excellence in its organisation and management.

- The project made significant contributions to the Australian Muslim community and wider Australian society.
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Community Organization Project of the Year:

This award recognises an Australian Muslim organisation that has achieved outstanding results through initiatives that demonstrated leadership and commitment to the Muslim community. You must be a registered Not-For-Profit and / or registered charitable organisation to qualify for this award.

The selection criteria for this award are listed below.

- The nominee demonstrated excellence in their organisational capacity.

- The nominee made significant contributions to the Muslim community.

- The nominee's services target the Muslim community.

- The nominee has Muslims in its management and/or executive boards.

- The nominee has healthy staff relations and a commitment to the development of its volunteers and staff.
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Content Creator of the Year

The Content Creation Award recognises Australian Muslims who have demonstrated excellence, originality, and a meaningful impact through digital content across platforms such as social media, podcasts, blogs, and other online channels. This category celebrates individuals or teams who use their creativity, expertise, and passion to educate, inspire, or engage diverse audiences, while upholding the values of community service, social responsibility, and positive representation of Muslim voices in Australia.
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Nominee details

Nominee Name
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Phone Number
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The nominee possesses a character of high integrity and identifies as Muslim:
Field must contains 100 to 200 Words
Field must contains 100 to 200 Words
Explain how the nominee fulfills the criteria for the selected award category. Nominees are encouraged to include supporting material such as online articles, links, and YouTube clips to show evidence for their nominations.
Field must contains 200 to 300 Words
Field must contains 200 to 300 Words
Does your nominee meet the eligibility criteria?

- Nominee is at least 14* years of age

- Nominee is an Australian citizen or permanent resident

- This is not a self-nomination*

- The nominee is not a Mission of Hope or Hejaz Finance Group (or affiliated subsidiaries) member or staff (including members, trustees, or their family members)

- The nominee is not an AMAA 2025 sponsor

- Nominee has not been a recipient of an AMAA award in the last 3 award periods.

Please note:
We do not accept anonymous nominations.
Where there are insufficient nominations, MoH will increase nomination submissions.
All submissions are confidential and do not get disclosed publicly, only finalists are publicly announced.

* Exceptions: This is not a self-nomination - Self-nominations are only accepted for Business, Community Organisation, Best New Community Project, and Event of the Year categories.
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